Card Management Software
Bankworks is complete end-to-end solution supporting all aspects of card issuing, acquiring and clearing services needed by financial and non-financial organizations that drives consumer-generated payments through ATMs, POS terminals, mobile phones and the Internet. The scalable solutions support emerging technologies such as smart cards, gift cards, prepayments and contactless payments. RS2 is fully committed to industry compliance requirements such as data encryption, data masking, PA-DSS and the upcoming SEPA. Bankworks is a flexible solution broken down into the following modules where each has a comprehensive set of features and capabilities:
- Bankworks Core
- Bankworks Acquiring
- Bankworks Issuing
- Bankworks Schemes offers two modules, Interchange and Clearing and Settlement and Reconciliation
- Bankworks Switch
- Bankworks Disputes
Other Related Software
- Centralised monitoring of the installed EFT-POS terminal base
- EFT-POS Terminal management system (and via the internet), Transaction Collection
- EFT-POS MSSi maintenance management system (and via the internet)
- SW POS for batch authorization applications
versatile, powerful & customizable acquiring transaction software
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